Kansas City Hunting Retriever Club Objectives:
Reasons for you to join KCHRC:
One of the best reasons is conservation. A well trained retriever is conservation in action.
No one likes to waste game, but everyone cripples a bird from time to time.
The trained retriever is the best and fastest means of finding downed birds.
The most efficient way to turn your retriever into a well trained conservationist is to join a retriever club. At KCHRC you will meet people of all backgrounds and ages. Some will have years of experience, while others will be just starting out. We hold regular weekend training days, meetings, and fun events throughout the year. Together, we pool our resources, time, and knowledge to gain skills on how to educate our dogs, and to hunt more safely and effectively.
A GREAT reason to join a club like KCHRC is for the opportunity to learn about and participate in organized events called "hunt tests". These events are Licensed by UKC and provide a platform where you can earn ribbons and titles for you and your dog. You get to see dogs at all levels of ability participating at their best towards accomplishing the HRC standards of skill.
Without support for HRC clubs like KCHRC, there wouldn't be any regional Hunt Tests to enter, local training opportunities, or educational events. Members of KCHRC put out a great deal of effort to provide a resource for retriever owners to educate and improve their dogs abilities. In addition, most regional HRC clubs are highly vocal and visible to state and local conservation agencies. This visibility helps to preserve your rights to use and hunt public lands in addition to helping preserve game for the future.
KCHRC is a non-profit VOLUNTEER supported organization. The club has an outstanding reputation for the quality of the events it sponsors. As a member, you are expected to contribute resources and volunteer your time to help support the club and the events it holds. The club is only as great as the members who contribute to it's success!
It is YOUR club, and we hope you will grow to value what we strive for.
In addition to your participation & commitment, our club collects an annual "dues".
Effective January 1st, 2025 Dues will be
$30.00/year (individual), or $50.00 (family)
You membership dues help to provide the financial support needed to create all this:
Want to Join KCHRC?
CLICK HERE to fill out our digital membership application.
Or download a membership form CLICK HERE.
Just fill it out and mail it to us with your payment.
- KCHRC promotes and educates the use and training of the Pure-bred Hunting Retriever as a conservation tool for the sound management and harvest of upland game and waterfowl.
- To educate handlers, owners, and the general public regarding the field testing & training of Retrievers in order to evolve their dogs abilities towards the "National Standards" of The United Kennel Club (UKC) & The Hunting Retriever Club (HRC).
- KCHRC will do everything in our power to protect and advance the interest of pure-bred retriever breeds through education, and by promoting quality breeding practices.
- To conduct training sessions in addition to sanctioned and licensed Hunt Tests under the rules of HRC and UKC.
Reasons for you to join KCHRC:
One of the best reasons is conservation. A well trained retriever is conservation in action.
No one likes to waste game, but everyone cripples a bird from time to time.
The trained retriever is the best and fastest means of finding downed birds.
The most efficient way to turn your retriever into a well trained conservationist is to join a retriever club. At KCHRC you will meet people of all backgrounds and ages. Some will have years of experience, while others will be just starting out. We hold regular weekend training days, meetings, and fun events throughout the year. Together, we pool our resources, time, and knowledge to gain skills on how to educate our dogs, and to hunt more safely and effectively.
A GREAT reason to join a club like KCHRC is for the opportunity to learn about and participate in organized events called "hunt tests". These events are Licensed by UKC and provide a platform where you can earn ribbons and titles for you and your dog. You get to see dogs at all levels of ability participating at their best towards accomplishing the HRC standards of skill.
Without support for HRC clubs like KCHRC, there wouldn't be any regional Hunt Tests to enter, local training opportunities, or educational events. Members of KCHRC put out a great deal of effort to provide a resource for retriever owners to educate and improve their dogs abilities. In addition, most regional HRC clubs are highly vocal and visible to state and local conservation agencies. This visibility helps to preserve your rights to use and hunt public lands in addition to helping preserve game for the future.
KCHRC is a non-profit VOLUNTEER supported organization. The club has an outstanding reputation for the quality of the events it sponsors. As a member, you are expected to contribute resources and volunteer your time to help support the club and the events it holds. The club is only as great as the members who contribute to it's success!
It is YOUR club, and we hope you will grow to value what we strive for.
In addition to your participation & commitment, our club collects an annual "dues".
Effective January 1st, 2025 Dues will be
$30.00/year (individual), or $50.00 (family)
You membership dues help to provide the financial support needed to create all this:
- Weekend Training Sessions (scheduled throughout the year)
- Special discounts on training equipment.
- Resources & training insights from experienced handlers.
- Mock Tests & Fun Hunts (waterfowl & upland)
- Licensed Tests (waterfowl & upland)
- Club Meetings & Social Events.
- Learn Hunting Techniques & Safety from experiences hunters.
- Meet lots of Retriever Lovers that will help you & your dog grow as a team.
Want to Join KCHRC?
CLICK HERE to fill out our digital membership application.
Or download a membership form CLICK HERE.
Just fill it out and mail it to us with your payment.